Hopkins Homes is consulting on plans for a proposed residential development of approximately 110 new homes. The proposals include a range of house types, including affordable housing, public open space and a children’s play area.
As a key part of the proposals, additional land will also be provided for an extension to the existing playing fields. The land for playing field provision would be transferred to the Parish Council as part of any S106 Legal Agreement.
Two points of vehicular access from Norwich Road are proposed to serve the development.
110 new homes with a mix of house types, including 2-4 bedroom homes and bungalows
Affordable housing with a mix of rented and shared ownership, in accordance with South Norfolk Council policy
Public open space and children’s play area with a network of pedestrian and cycle routes, to connect with existing walking routes
Public open space and children’s play area with a network of pedestrian and cycle routes, to connect with existing walking routes
Public open space and children’s play area with a network of pedestrian and cycle routes, to connect with existing walking routes
Extension to playing fields to allow for the expansion of this amenity
Vehicle access from Norwich Road
Sustainable urban drainage systems
Given the ongoing shortfall in housing delivery in the area and the identified need for additional recreational land in the village, Hopkins Homes is seeking to progress a full planning application for approximately 110 dwellings on land which is partially allocated in the emerging Diss and District Neighbourhood Plan.
These proposals comprise additional land to enable the expansion of the existing playing fields in Scole, whilst also proposing additional affordable homes and areas of public open space beyond those identified within the Neighbourhood Plan.
The 5.2 ha site is located on the northern edge of the village, adjacent to the existing development boundary. Scole is classified as a Service Village within the adopted South Norfolk Local Plan having a primary school, village hall, recreational field, pub and village shop.
The southern half of the proposed site is allocated for 50 dwellings in the emerging Diss & District Neighbourhood Plan (policy reference: DDNP11). The Neighbourhood Plan passed through examination by the Planning Inspectorate in May 2023, and it is anticipated that it will be issued for local Referendum soon.
The emerging South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan identifies a minimum housing requirement for 50 homes within the Scole cluster, which reflects the proposed allocation within the submitted DDNP. The DDNP allocates a total of approximately 81 dwellings across three sites in Scole.
Whilst the proposed development was not included within the existing Local Plan Site Specific Allocations and Policies Document of 2015, Site allocation ref: SCO1 nevertheless lies immediately adjacent to the south of the site and remains proposed to deliver approximately 15 dwellings within the current Plan period to 2026.
“Hopkins Homes takes great pride in the design of its homes, with traditional materials and natural landscaping playing a key part in creating an attractive and welcoming environment.”
There are opportunities to protect and enhance the natural landscape with the retention and enhancement of hedgerows and trees along the site boundaries and the creation of a landscaped buffer to the eastern boundary to assimilate with the countryside beyond.
In our drive for biodiversity, we partner with key wildlife charities – Save our Suffolk Swifts, Hedgehog Street and BugLife – to help reverse the decline of these native species.
At Hopkins Homes, we strive for continuous improvement. Each of the new homes will accord with the latest Building Regulations that reflect improving standards. The homes will meet current standards of insulation and incorporate measures to minimise energy use. All dwellings are to be powered by Air-Source Heat Pumps, with no homes solely reliant on natural gas. Enhanced fabric and waste-water heat recovery measures will comfortably achieve a 10% reduction in carbon usage, in accordance with the adopted Joint Core Strategy, and the emerging Neighbourhood Plan.
According to the House Builders Federation ‘Watt a Save’ July 2023 report, energy bills for new build homes are 55% cheaper – that’s an average household saving of £135 a month.
85% of new build homes meet the highest levels of energy efficiency performance and achieve an A or B Energy Performance Certificate (EPC), versus just 4% of older homes.
Two vehicle access points are proposed from Norwich Road. The access proposals will be discussed further with the Highway Authority together with the scope of the Transport Assessment and Travel Plan.
The indicative access positions have been chosen to minimise removal of the existing hedgerow, while maintaining separation from Grade II listed High House. Traffic surveys to be undertaken on Norwich Road will help to determine the nature of any traffic calming measures.
The proposals also seek to deliver a pedestrian crossing at Norwich Road connecting the site to Scole Primary School, in accordance with DDNP11.
Parking will be provided in accordance with Norfolk County Council guidance.
The site is in a sustainable location, with good access to local services and public transport.
The closest bus stops are located near the primary school and provide services to Diss and Norwich.
The site lies in Flood Zone 1, indicating a low probability of river or sea flooding. The site also has a low probability of surface water flooding.
A programme of infiltration testing will guide the proposed drainage strategy, though it is thought that an attenuation basin will be required at the lowest point to enable a controlled discharge to the watercourse.
Foul drainage will use the existing connection in Norwich Road, with initial consultations with statutory providers indicating that sufficient capacity exists to receive the additional forecast flows.
The proposed development will deliver a number of benefits to the local area including;
The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) is a fixed rate payment which Councils can charge to off-set the impact of additional homes on local infrastructure such as roads, schools, open space and health centres.
In addition to a CIL contribution, it is expected that Hopkins Homes will make further contributions to the improvement of local infrastructure and services through a Section 106 legal agreement.
This is likely to include affordable housing, public open space provision & management and the transfer of land for the playing fields extension.
Prior to this consultation, Hopkins Homes has also met with Scole Parish Council and Officers of South Norfolk Council to ascertain their initial thoughts on the proposals.
Hopkins Homes is aiming to submit a full planning application during the Autumn of this year. Following the submission of the application, South Norfolk District Council will then undertake a period of statutory consultation on the proposals. At this stage, you will have the opportunity to submit your written comments to the Council before a decision is made.
Creating distinctive homes and environments that stand the test of time is our life’s work. Our designers, architects and craftspeople are passionate about retaining the heritage of the past, whilst offering energy efficient modern living.
The layout and design of every Hopkins Homes development is sensitive to the unique local character of each location. From the countryside to the city, from apartments to detached properties, our new-build homes are both sympathetically considered and beautifully built to leave a legacy to be proud of.
We care deeply about the impact of our work – creating homes and communities defined by craft, care and social responsibility. Homes that people trust and aspire to, for this generation and the next.
For further information, please contact: Engage Planning Ltd, Warwick Innovation Centre, Warwick Technology Park, Warwick CV34 6UW Tel: 01926 623095